Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Fen: A walk on the Wild Side

Warning: Non Cambridge 23 Content - its totally off-topic and its all about the Fen...

A reminder last night that the fen has a dark side...
Ahead of me on the path I could see a gathering of people. Something about their stance told me it was bad news. On coming closer I discovered two men one hauling on a rope, the other waist-deep in water heaving with all his might. The object of their attention; one of the beautiful red poll cows that had somehow become trapped in the ditch. I regret to report it was bloodied about the nose and peculiarly quiet, as if resigned to its fate.

This morning another red animal in the far east ditch. For a split second I thought it was a deer but as it dashed up the far bank and sped out across Fen Causeway, with no regard for the cars, all be came clear: a gleaming, athletic fox!

The cow, I am pleased to report, was gone - I hope returned to grazing.


  1. What an interesting little vignette. I quite feared for a while that it would be human body that was being hauled out of the ditch (I blame reading too much crime fiction). I read in the free weekly paper a few months ago that the council wanted a ramp to put in the Cam on Midsummer Common for cows that fell in the river, and I thought that sounded a bit daft. But maybe it wasn't after all!

  2. A beautiful slice of fen life, but it isn't just the fens that produce these moments. I've had a fox dart across my cycle route, a stricken rabbit in my path, moorhens, squirrels, kingfishers, swans, ducklings... the list is endless. However, your post is truly evocative of the scene and wonderfully written.

  3. Hi Guys - thanks for the comments. Good to know my Fen musings are appreciated!
    I like this idea of the cow ramp. Doubtless the local youth would find a way to paly with it too...
